Give to The Shawnee Fund.
When you give to The Shawnee Fund, you help us meet our highest and most pressing priorities. The Shawnee Fund is unrestricted, meaning your gift can be put to use immediately to help meet the needs of SSU students.
Join the Bear Club.
The Bear Club offers support for over 300 varsity SSU athletes in 22 different sports.
Join the President’s Club.
When you give a gift of $10,000 or more, you become a member of the SSU President’s Club. These donors help Shawnee State grow to meet the needs of the region and strengthen education for generations to come.
Join the Patron Club.
Support artists, performers, and students by donating to the Vern Riffe Center for the Arts.
The Friends of Shawnee.
The Friends of Shawnee Scholarship awards funding to SSU students in need of financial assistance to cover tuition costs. In 2022-2023 the Friends of Shawnee awarded over $31,000 in support to more than 30 SSU students,
Donate to The Dean’s Fund.
All three colleges within SSU have unique needs supported by the Dean’s Funds.
Help a student make college possible.
Your gift to Shawnee State University supports scholarships, classroom technology, academic programs, campus life, and much more. When you give, you make it possible for a student to receive a college education and you enhance the learning and college experience for everyone at SSU. Every dollar makes a difference.