What to Expect at Inauguration




What is a presidential inauguration at an institution of higher education?

An Inauguration is the entire series of events surrounding the formal installation ceremony of a new university president. For President Eric Andrew Braun, the celebration will include the Installation and Community Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 19 and the Inaugural Ball on Saturday, April 20.



Installation & Community Awards Ceremony


Who is invited to the Installation and Community Awards Ceremony?

Faculty, staff, students, and the entire community are invited to attend the ceremony. This is a campus community event and all are welcome.

Can I still attend if I haven’t RSVP’d?

Please feel free to join us even if you haven’t completed the RSVP. The Eloise Covert Smith Theater in the Vern Riffe Center for the Arts can accommodate all.

What should I expect at the Installation?

The Installation is an academic event that looks much like commencement. Faculty, Board of Trustees, University leaders, and special guests will participate in a processional. As part of a long tradition in higher education, those in the processional will wear academic regalia — caps, gowns and hoods specific to their education.

During the installation, the Board of Trustees Chair and the Provost will present President Braun with the Presidential Medallion, an emblem of office worn on official occasions of the University. It is hung on a ribbon and has been worn by every Shawnee State University President, starting with President Frank Taylor in 1986.

Because the Installation is a celebration of Shawnee State University’s past, present, and future, President Braun is presenting community, faculty, student, and employee awards.

What awards will be presented at the Installation?

To celebrate and honor the contributions that members of our community have made to the success and growth of Shawnee State, President Braun will award the Vernal G. Riffe Founder’s Medal to the family of the late Victor W. Morgan, Sr.

Faculty Awards, including the Board of Trustees Distinguished Teaching Award, Early Career Teaching Award, Faculty Research Award, and the Shannon Lawson Faculty Service Award will be presented. Faculty who have retired this year will also be honored and a Faculty Emeritus will be named and recognized.

Student awards will be presented in the areas of innovation, collaboration, and learning, based on faculty nominations. Students who received an award at Evening of Honors will also be recognized.

This year’s employee awards will also be presented at the Installation. Employees with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service will be honored.



Inaugural Ball


Who is invited to the Inaugural Ball?

Faculty, staff, students, and the entire community are invited to attend the Inaugural Ball. More than a celebration, the Inaugural Ball is a fundraiser for student scholarships and is taking the place of the annual President’s Gala this year. Faculty, staff and students may purchase special rate tickets.

Where is the Inaugural Ball being held?

We are holding the Inaugural Ball at Marting’s, which will allow us to expand our guest list this year.


What is the dress code for the Inaugural Ball?

The dress code is black-tie optional, giving guests a couple of formal options. Men may wear a tuxedo or opt for a dark suit. Women may choose either a formal evening gown or a shorter cocktail dress.

Will there be a live band at the Inaugural Ball?

Yes. The evening will feature a seven-piece swing band.

Will there be an open bar at the Inaugural Ball?

Guests will receive one cocktail ticket with the purchase of their Inaugural Ball ticket. A cash bar will also be available throughout the evening.

Where can I park near Marting’s?

Marting’s is located at 515 Chillicothe Street. Parking will be made available in lots on 6th Street. Street parking and municipal lot parking are also available and can accommodate all guests.